When you run a small business, more often than not, each employee might have to wear many hats and perform a variety of functions within the company. That’s very true of our own office manager who handles the majority of our filing and document management.
I recently sat with her to talk about how using Essentia AI has helped her in her day to day tasks. She spoke to me about three cases that immediately came to mind.
“Last week, I was asked to find the confirmation of a Fedex delivery to a customer from a few years back. A couple of years ago, before we went paperless with Essentia AI, I would have had to spend time looking through customers, vendors, or receipt files. Now, I just had to type in the customer and vendor name and within seconds was able to find the confirmation document.”
“Another instance where Essentia AI has helped me recently was preparing for the company tax filing. Before I would’ve had to organize all the receipts, notices and related documents by scanning them and placing them in different folders. During tax filing season, I would have to find and select each doc that I would have to send to our CPA. This past year, using Essentia AI, I simply tagged all the documents throughout the year and when I needed them just did a simple keyword search and all of them are displayed, ready to be downloaded or shared. Even docs that maybe I had forgotten to tag were easily able to be found just by entering a few search terms.”
“Lastly, I have to maintain all the documents and paperwork regarding our stock holders. Recently I had to find information regarding a beneficiary. Normally I would’ve had to search through over a 100 paper files, but since they’ve all been uploaded to Essentia AI, I only needed to type in the name of the beneficiary and got the file I needed in just a couple minutes.”
“I think for me, the major benefits of using Essentia has been that it has saved me considerable time and hassle. It has easily saved me hours of work and has been the key to timely organization of documents.”
– Pam (Office Manager)
To find out more about Essentia AI, you can try it yourself for free or you can contact us to get more information.